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Celebrating the Punjabi Declamation Contest – The love of books

The theme of the literary event: The books I liked the most

The seminar hall buzzed with excitement as the Department of Punjabi hosted a thought-provoking event – the Punjabi Declamation Contest.
The theme was “The books I liked the most” . Evidently, there was a sense of excitement among the book lovers who wanted to have their say about the books and writers they loved.

The event was a showcase of passion for literature and a chapter about the transformative power of books in the lives of students. The event aimed not only to nurture their oratory skills but also to instill a deeper appreciation for the written word.

The Event Arrangements

The Akal University’s Department of Punjabi, known for its dedication to promoting Punjabi language, literature, and culture, organised this competition to provide a platform for students to express their literary encounters.
Dr. Sandeep Singh, the Head of the Department, and Dr. Harjinder Singh, the convener of the event, set the stage for an engaging and inspiring contest.

Students’ active Involvement

To encourage a sense of ownership and responsibility, students themselves were entrusted with managing the event. Simarjeet Kaur and Gagandeep Kaur took on the role of stage coordinators, skillfully handling the proceedings, while Preetpal Kaur and Parveen Kaur managed the crucial timekeeping aspect.


Students’ eager Participation

As the contest commenced, a diverse group of students from various departments stepped forward with enthusiasm to share their favorite books and the impact these literary gems had on their lives. Each participant had a brief window of 3-5 minutes to articulate their thoughts eloquently.

punjabi-declamation-winners-1 Diverse Experiences and viewpoints

The speeches touched upon a wide range of experiences. Some recounted the profound wisdom they gained from religious texts, emphasizing the spiritual and self-discovery aspects of reading. Others delved into the realm of fiction, where imaginations soared, and new perspectives were gained.

Highlighting the Power of Books

The competition illuminated the undeniable power of books as catalysts for personal growth, belief formation, and the nurturing of aspirations.
Dr. Tarsem Singh from the Department of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji graced the event with his inspirational views, underscoring the timeless companionship offered by books in our fleeting existence.

The Judgment Process

Judging the contest proved to be a challenging task, given the outstanding performances by all participants.

Dr. Tarsem Singh, Professor Navsangeet Singh from the Department of Punjabi, and Ms. Binderpal from the Department of English Studies were faced with the difficult duty of evaluating each contestant based on various criteria, including perspective, memorization, fluency, voice modulation, confidence, and more.

Announcement of Results, and Recognition

Finally, the results were unveiled, with Parshdeep Kaur from the Department of Commerce securing the first position, followed by Venus Kaur from the Department of Psychology in second place, and Harinder Singh from the Department of Punjabi claiming the third spot. Their remarkable efforts were recognized with cash prizes and a medal ceremony, while all participants received certificates of participation as a token of appreciation.

Gratitude and Acknowledgement

Moving towards the end of the event, Dr. Sandeep Singh extended a heartfelt vote of thanks to the audience and participants. He acknowledged the significance of such competitions in nurturing self-expression and fostering a deeper connection with the rich literary heritage.

A successful episode concludes, with hunger for more

The Punjabi Declamation Contest served as a powerful reminder of the profound impact books have on shaping our lives.

By celebrating the written word, the Department of Punjabi not only honed the oratory skills of its students but also re-kindled a love for more, that will continue to inspire and encourage them to habve many more such interesting events.

Stay Tuned, and visit often

If you wish to witness more such enlightening events and embrace the essence of Punjabi culture, stay tuned for the details of upcoming events by the Department of Punjabi.

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