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“Creating and Publishing Digital Content for Impact using SEO Techniques, for Universities”- a Two day Workshop and MasterClass

Two day Workshop and MasterClass -“Creating and Publishing Digital Content for Impact using SEO Techniques, for Universities”

Setting the Stage: Introducing the Masterclass

The workshop commenced with an inspiring speech and introduction by Dr. G.S. Lamba, the Dean of the university, who emphasized the significance of the event and its potential to enhance the university’s online presence.
The two-day MasterClass and Workshop on “Creating and Publishing Digital Content for Impact using SEO Techniques, for Universities.” was conducted by Gurpreet Singh, SEO expert and consultant.
This event aimed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively utilize digital media for creating and publishing success stories, events, and achievements of their respective departments.


Speech and Introduction by Dr. G.S. Lamba, the Dean of the university

Dr. G.S. Lamba, the esteemed Dean of the university, commenced the event with an engaging speech that highlighted the importance of embracing digital media for universities. He emphasized how effectively showcasing the university’s events, achievements, and stories online can significantly enhance its visibility and reputation. Dr. Lamba expressed his enthusiasm for the Masterclass and set the stage for the two-day workshop by outlining its objectives and expected outcomes.

Introduction to Gurpreet Singh, the speaker for the event

Gurpreet Singh, SEO expert and consultant was invited from Delhi as the speaker and guide for this Masterclass. With years of experience in the field of digital marketing and search engine optimization, Gurpreet Singh brought valuable expertise and industry knowledge to help participants understand the nuances of creating and publishing impactful digital content.

The Participants

The Department heads and Professors who attended the event were Dr. Ramandeep Kaur, Dr. Parveen Kumar, Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Sukhpreet Kaur, Dr. Harwinder Kaur, Dr. Abhinav Saxena, Dr. Shamshudeen, Dr. Rikza Parvez, Dr. Parminder Singh, Dr. Poonam Rani, Dr. Tarsem Singh, Dr. Hilal, Dr. Harjinder Singh, Dr. Komalpreet Kaur


The two-day itinerary of traversing the Digital landscape

The First Day

Important concepts were covered in the first day, and concluded with hands on training.
Attendees gained insights into how universities can leverage SEO techniques to improve their online presence and attract a wider audience.

Differentiating between various content types and understanding content structures

Content plays a vital role in online marketing and engagement. Participants learned about different types of content, such as blog posts, articles, and press releases, social media formats, and how to structure them effectively. They explored the importance of crafting engaging headlines, writing clear introductions, and organizing content in a logical and reader-friendly manner.

Exploring the fundamentals of SEO and its relevance for universities

The participants delved into the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and its significance in the context of academic institutions. The session covered key SEO concepts, including keyword research, on-page optimization, and the importance of many tags and descriptions.

Techniques for writing purpose-driven content

Creating purpose-driven content is crucial for the University to communicate their message effectively. The workshop covered techniques for aligning content with specific goals, whether it be promoting academic events, sharing research findings, or showcasing student achievements. Participants learned techniques for structuring articles effectively, incorporating relevant keywords, and optimizing them for search engines. The session emphasized the importance of capturing the attention of the target audience and engaging them through well-crafted content.

Hands-on training and assignments focused on recent events of the departments

To reinforce the concepts covered, participants engaged in hands-on training and assignments that focused on their recent events or activities. This practical approach allowed them to apply the newly acquired knowledge and techniques to real-life scenarios, gaining valuable experience and feedback from their peers and instructors.
Interactive sessions were held to address participants’ questions, concerns, and doubts. This facilitated a dynamic learning environment where attendees could engage in discussions, share experiences, and seek clarification on specific topics.

The interactive nature of the session encouraged active participation and fostered a collaborative learning atmosphere.


The Second Day

The Next steps – Practical tips, Social Media and the Content Pipeline

Day 2 of the workshop helped the participants refine their content by analyzing and discussing their assignments

Practical insights into writing impactful articles for university blogs

The workshop delved into the art of storytelling, encouraging participants to use narratives that  resonate with the target readers. By incorporating success stories, and relatable experiences, and creating projects for branding, and experiences that ties up the university’s participation with a trending event, the participants discovered how to make their articles compelling and memorable. They also explored the use of compelling headlines, and clear calls-to-action,  to encourage readers to engage with the content and take desired actions.

Strategies for effectively leveraging social media platforms

In today’s digital landscape, social media platforms play a significant role in reaching and engaging a wider audience. Participants gained valuable insights into strategies for effectively leveraging social media to amplify the reach of their articles and maximize impact. They learned about the various ways of using social media platforms commonly used in the academic sphere, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Training session on the process and SOP for transforming raw event information into publishable content

Another important aspect of content creation is the process of transforming raw event information into polished, publishable content. Participants engaged in a training session that provided them with a structured process and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to streamline this transformation.

The session covered the step-by-step process of gathering relevant event information, storing and editing that information into relevant content, then taking it from the draft stage to the finished stage, and finally uploading and sharing that content. They also learnt to set up teams to manage different aspects of the data pipeline, while maintaining a Content Calendar, and adhering to editorial guidelines to maintain the quality and integrity of their content.

By following the outlined process and SOPs, participants gained confidence in their ability to transform raw event information into high-quality, publishable content that showcases the university’s achievements, events, and success stories effectively.

Overall, Day 2 provided participants with the tools, strategies, and knowledge required to create impactful articles for university blogs and effectively promote them through social media channels. By honing their writing skills, understanding the dynamics of social media platforms, and mastering the process of content transformation, participants were empowered to communicate the university’s message effectively, drive engagement, and generate a lasting impact.

Conclusion of the event

The two-day Masterclass and Workshop on “Creating and Publishing Digital Content for Impact using SEO Techniques, for Universities” proved to be a valuable experience for all participants. With the guidance of Gurpreet Singh, attendees gained practical insights into SEO concepts, content creation strategies, and the process of transforming raw event information into compelling articles for university blogs and social media platforms.

The event concluded with words of appreciation from the Dean G.S. Lamba and IQAS Head Prof. Sukhjeet Singh, acknowledging the contributions of the speaker and participants. A Memento of Honour was also presented by the University Dean to Gurpreet Singh.


As Akal University moves forward, armed with new skills and knowledge, they are poised to effectively showcase their achievements and engage with their online audience like never before.

From the Press

The event was also released in the local state news, as it showcases Akal University’s commitment to high quality education and progressive attitude, despite providing education at very low costs and free education to many underprivileged students.


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